Quality in Careers Standard – 2021 Virtual Event
Please Register Below to Access the Event Password for Viewing
Our event will remain on our website for some time – so you can visit the Event and revisit it at times convenient to you.
As physical meetings and events for schools and colleges cannot proceed due to COVID19 restrictions, we’re delighted to be able to provide this opportunity for you to learn more about the national Quality in Careers Standard in our first Virtual Event.
COVID19 has had a major impact on every aspect of life – and in these challenging times, we all want to do the best we can to prepare young people for the most uncertain labour market in generations. More than ever, with the best possible careers education and guidance, young people need to be supported to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to take control of their future learning and work decisions. That’s why the Department for Education “strongly recommends” working towards and achieving the Standard. That’s also why the DfE has funded the production of this Virtual Event for schools and colleges.
The Event is all pre-recorded. It includes an introduction from the Quality in Careers Director, with the opportunity then for you to pick from a series of short pre-recorded videos which will enable you to:
- ‘meet’ each of the Licensed Awarding Bodies and hear about their approach to the delivery of the Standard. You’ll be able to see which Awarding Bodies are operating in your area of the country and access their introductory video – meaning that you won’t need to look at all 11 Awarding Bodies;
- hear from five schools and colleges from across the country which have had recent experience of working towards the Quality in Careers Standard (including during COVID19 times). We’ve recorded testimonies from a mainstream secondary school from South Yorkshire, a special school from Tyneside, a Sixth Form College from Merseyside, and a Further Education College from Suffolk. We also have an audio-visual case study from a secondary school near Hull. All five of the schools and colleges will tell you about their views on the benefits of working towards and achieving the Standard for their students.
- follow up after the Event by arranging further discussions with the Awarding Body/Bodies you’d like to speak directly with about embarking upon the national Standard.
To access the Virtual Event you need to register.
Please register using the form below. Upon completion, you will be redirected to a page that will provide a password to be used to access our Virtual Event page.
Our event will remain on our website for some time – so you can visit the Event and revisit it at times convenient to you, and of course show it to your colleagues at your school or college if, for example, you need your “Senior Leadership Team” (or equivalent) to see it too. We look forward to welcoming you!