Thanks again for supporting us to introduce Quality in Careers to more schools and colleges in our updated Virtual Event.
Included on this private page as well, you’ll find a video from Simon Jones of Bonjour Video for Schools, advising you how to prepare your video recording.
The following are guideline questions we suggest our Schools and Colleges might cover in their recordings. In no particular order, it’s up to you to decide how you want to offer your testimony about the value and impact of the national Standard from your experience:
1. Who are you? Please provide some information about your role and your school or college.
2. Where are you located?
3. When did you achieve the national Standard (or how far are you in “working towards” your Accreditation)?
4. Which Awarding Body did you work/are you working with?
5. Why did you decide to work towards the national Standard?
6. How did you convince your Senior Leadership Team (or equivalent) to do this?
7. What happened once your school or college signed up to work towards the Standard?
8. What was the process you followed in working towards the Standard?
9. How did you cope if your journey towards the Standard took place during COVID19?
10. What impact would you say the Standard has had on your school/college and its students?
11. What is your advice to anyone thinking of working towards the national Standard?
12. Anything else you want to say about your experience in working towards/achieving the national Standard?
For ease, you can download a copy of Quality in Careers Brand Guidelines here.
If you’re happy to be contacted by other schools/colleges, please provide Paul with the contact details you’d like us to add to your recording.